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"Would you rather be called pretty or hot?"

When it comes to complimenting a woman- calling her pretty, cute, hot, sexy, beautiful. It all depends on the mood and circumstance, it depends on the person, it depends on the atmosphere, it depends on location and time, it depends on tone and emotion, it depends on so many various factors you can't simply say this or that.

You call a woman hot and sexy when she's feeling herself, when she's looking for attention, when she's looking for attention, when she's looking to attract, when she's looking to get what she wants.

Call her hot and sexy when you wanna get in her pants, when you want to say hello and goodbye in the span of 5 minutes, when you don't even remember her name the next day only her face, when you lust for her, when you want nothing more then her body and that's your only focus in that moment.

You call a woman pretty and cute when she isn't feeling herself, when she's comfortable at home doing nothing, when she's not thinking of anything, when she's in a goofy mood simply trying to make you laugh, when you can catch her off guard and it'll mean the world to her.

Call her pretty and cute when you only want to make her feel good, when you have no other intention besides putting a smile on her face and watching her eyes glow, when you absolutely adore her, when you want nothing more then to win your way into her heart.

You call a woman beautiful when she's everything and more, when you can't help but admire her endlessly, when you want her to feel safe and comfortable in your presence, when you reside the feeling of being with her as home, when you look at her and she steals your breath away, when you love her wholeheartedly.

Call her beautiful when she's stolen your heart, when she's yours, when your hers, when your united as one, when you want nothing but her and only her.

Call her beautiful, call her hot, call her cute, call her sexy, call her pretty, call her adorable, call her perfect, call her yours.

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